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What Are Dental Braces?


Dental braces, or orthodontic cases, are devices used by dental professionals to straighten crooked teeth or correct a misaligned bite. They help to reposition the teeth with an aim to adjust the bite and result in a beautifully straight smile.

Braces work by placing constant pressure on each tooth to move them to the desired position. They are tightened at each returning visit to Dubai Star Clinic, applying slightly more pressure to the teeth to continue to move them into their proper position.


Do I Need Braces?


People of all ages require braces for a variety of reasons. They may need to fix orthodontic problems or they may simply desire a perfectly straight smile if they were not blessed with naturally straight teeth. You might consider getting braces if you have:


  • Crooked teeth

  • Crowded teeth

  • Gapped teeth

  • An overbite

  • An underbite

  • A crossbite

  • An incorrectly positioned jaw.


What Are the Types 
of Braces?


There are four main types of braces – metal, ceramic, lingual and Invisalign or invisible braces.


Metal Braces

Metal braces consist of metal brackets and wires. Modern metal wired braces are much smaller and less noticeable than they used to be, and even feature heat-activated archwires that use your body heat to assist in moving teeth faster and less painfully.


This style is the most affordable, and the option of fun coloured bands allow you to personalise them with your favourite colours. Traditional, metal braces are the most noticeable type.


Ceramic Braces

While these are the same size and shape as metal braces, they feature tooth-coloured or clear brackets to blend in with the teeth for a less noticeable appearance. Some even have the option of tooth-coloured wires for further subtlety.


Ceramic braces are a great option for those who desire the fast results of metal without standing out so much on the teeth. This style can stain easily if not looked after correctly.


Lingual Braces

These braces are the same as metal braces but are placed on the inside of the teeth. This makes them invisible from the outside, but it can also make them more difficult to keep clean. They can be more uncomfortable at first and adjustments can be more time-consuming than regular braces.


Invisalign (Invisible Braces)

Invisalign are clear braces- 18 to 30 customised clear plastic removable aligners that are replaced every two weeks. These allow you to eat and drink whatever you want and are virtually invisible. They are also the most expensive option, are only available for teenagers and adults, and may have slower results than traditional braces.


What Are the Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment gives you more than just an aesthetically pleasing smile. You can also enjoy other benefits such as:


  • Teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of plaque build-up, gum disease and tooth decay

  • Breath is improved

  • Reduced risk of teeth wear

  • Improved chewing functionality

  • Eliminated stress and pain of jaw joints.


Orthodontic problems can lead to more serious health issues, so if you are concerned about your oral health, it is always best to visit Dubai star clinic as soon as possible to discuss your options and get a treatment plan.


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